Monday, September 15, 2008

And the worst TV show ever, goes to.....

OMG the most boring and terrible TV show I have ever seen was on on Sunday (Sep 14th, 2008, der!) - it was called Australian Runway 360 or something. Possibly on Channel 10. I was fooled into thinking it might have been reasonably entertaining (like Project Runway Australia).

If you edited this TV show, you should die.
It was horrible. Terrible. Boring.


Why? Horrid montage editing (every 5 minutes) and shocking audio recording. No voice over. I had no fucking clue what was going on.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hello again Selina from Home & Away!

Selina Cook/Roberts from Home & Away (yes, the one who got sick and had another actress - who looked nothing like her - potray her for almost a year) has popped up again in a Commonweath Bank ad (yeah, those dumb ass ads with the American "ad agency" guys). I don't really want to say much except well done, whatever your real name is, on getting back into TV.

I also don't really understand those Commonwealth Bank ads at all. It's like they are trying to be funny without being funny at all. What a waste of money, CBA.

Olympic Pride? Australiana Ads? Urgh!

I hate all the "Australiana" ads that come out about the time of the Olympics.


They are just sports-people, people! They don't do anything useful or helpful for the community. They don't solve crimes or invent helpful things for mankind. They just use their bodies to win a race or an event and that's it! If their body fails then what do they have -- uh -- nothing much. AND THAT'S WHEN I LAUGH. Ahem. Get real jobs!

So, anyhow, all the crap Australia ads that come out during the Olympics.

Coles have a crap ad - with Sia music minus the vocals. I love Sia and I love the vocals.

STOP PRESS: I wonder where Coles' inspiration came from?

Red Rooster have a special Olympic Pride ad too. It looks extremely high budget (imagine if you will Ayres Rock filmed from a helicopter). I don't like this ad either but AT LEAST this new ad means that I don't have to see that disgusting ad for Rooster Gold Medallions any more!

That crap almost made me barf every time I saw it. Nothing like chicken nuggets on a bed of rice with some lemon-flavoured yellow snot to go on top.

Friday, August 8, 2008

"Hole in the Wall is a Solid Hit" - PH-LEASE!

According to, Channel 9's new show "Hole in the Wall" was a massive hit, raking in more than 1.5 million viewers.

Based on a Japanese game show, Hole in the Wall requires contestants to fit though holes in a styrofoam wall moving towards them.

I'm sorry, but this show looks like crap and you'll never catch me watching it.

I lived in Japan for the best part of 5 years and in that time was privy to more awesomeness in TV form than one person could possibly imagine. Getting some second-rate Channel 9 celebs to don silver suits and jump through holes is not my idea of prime time viewing.

Yes, I realise that this is based on a Japanese show - it's just a fucking stupid one. I saw some pure gold when I lived there - including my favourite which was (in a nutshell) - guess the woman's bra cup size before running up to her and asking her to confirm as the host felt up the bosoms in question.
Boob squeezing 100% necessary and 100% awesome.

Also... Jules Lund. I can't stand that guy. 'Nuff said.