Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hello again Selina from Home & Away!

Selina Cook/Roberts from Home & Away (yes, the one who got sick and had another actress - who looked nothing like her - potray her for almost a year) has popped up again in a Commonweath Bank ad (yeah, those dumb ass ads with the American "ad agency" guys). I don't really want to say much except well done, whatever your real name is, on getting back into TV.

I also don't really understand those Commonwealth Bank ads at all. It's like they are trying to be funny without being funny at all. What a waste of money, CBA.

Olympic Pride? Australiana Ads? Urgh!

I hate all the "Australiana" ads that come out about the time of the Olympics.


They are just sports-people, people! They don't do anything useful or helpful for the community. They don't solve crimes or invent helpful things for mankind. They just use their bodies to win a race or an event and that's it! If their body fails then what do they have -- uh -- nothing much. AND THAT'S WHEN I LAUGH. Ahem. Get real jobs!

So, anyhow, all the crap Australia ads that come out during the Olympics.

Coles have a crap ad - with Sia music minus the vocals. I love Sia and I love the vocals.

STOP PRESS: I wonder where Coles' inspiration came from?

Red Rooster have a special Olympic Pride ad too. It looks extremely high budget (imagine if you will Ayres Rock filmed from a helicopter). I don't like this ad either but AT LEAST this new ad means that I don't have to see that disgusting ad for Rooster Gold Medallions any more!

That crap almost made me barf every time I saw it. Nothing like chicken nuggets on a bed of rice with some lemon-flavoured yellow snot to go on top.

Friday, August 8, 2008

"Hole in the Wall is a Solid Hit" - PH-LEASE!

According to, Channel 9's new show "Hole in the Wall" was a massive hit, raking in more than 1.5 million viewers.

Based on a Japanese game show, Hole in the Wall requires contestants to fit though holes in a styrofoam wall moving towards them.

I'm sorry, but this show looks like crap and you'll never catch me watching it.

I lived in Japan for the best part of 5 years and in that time was privy to more awesomeness in TV form than one person could possibly imagine. Getting some second-rate Channel 9 celebs to don silver suits and jump through holes is not my idea of prime time viewing.

Yes, I realise that this is based on a Japanese show - it's just a fucking stupid one. I saw some pure gold when I lived there - including my favourite which was (in a nutshell) - guess the woman's bra cup size before running up to her and asking her to confirm as the host felt up the bosoms in question.
Boob squeezing 100% necessary and 100% awesome.

Also... Jules Lund. I can't stand that guy. 'Nuff said.